Why must dry apricots eat

Dry apricot is a healthy diet, which is available to you for the whole year. A small grain of dry apricots is hiding a treasure of health within itself, which can only benefit from a human being, which is aware of its reality. Dry apricots own a number of medical benefits and uses you from several common diseases:

Best Look:
Two nutrients in a dry apricot are found in heavy amounts, which protect eyesight, which is weakening with an increase in age. The use of dry apricot also helps to reduce the risks of motility

The use of dry apricots before eating food improves our digestive tract, besides dry apricots help with reference to constipation and also discharges unwanted content

Healthy Heart:
Dry apricots are found to have a heavy amount of fiber, which reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, which is why there is also a decrease in the risks of having heart diseases. In the meantime, dry apricots also increase the level of best cholesterol in the body. Eating dry apricot daily is useful for heart health

Avoid anemia:
Dry apricots are a great means of achieving the airon, which is useful regarding the resistance of anemia. Usually women are anemic in certain days, so they should use foods that are found heavily in the airon, if you add dry apricot to your daily dose, it will lead to increased hemoglobin levels

Avoid cancer:
Anti-oxidents found in dry apricots reduce the risks of a cause of a modesty disease such as cancer, its seeds ( kernels Apricot) are capable of eliminating cancer growth. Cancer patients should eat these 5 seeds with a glass of orange juice daily morning breakfast until the abnormal cancer cells end-

Weight Loss:
Heavy amount of fiber found in dry not only improves your vision but also makes metabolic performance more active and that's why your weight also decreases. Also calories are found very low in dry apricot

It is also rich and we are all well aware that calcium is the most important for the best health of our bones. In addition, potassium is also found in dry apricot, which plays an important role in our body with reference to the distribution of calcium and all these factors are extremely important to the strength of bones

Dry apricots also have the ability to reduce fever limits. A cup of dry apricot juice daily includes a teaspoon of honey. It will also give you thirst.

Dry apricots can also be used for the skin problems, for example, from itching and exigma, etc. caused by sun irritation. Dry apricot nail is also helpful against acne and other skin problems

Famous Medical Recipe:
for youth, power, fitness, and beauty
Take 3 dry apricots and ۔ Touch the numbers. Get their little pieces. Soak in a cup of water at night. Get a spoon of honey in it in the morning. If it is a cold season, heat it and drink it like thi

The old age will not come soon.
The sight will be strong and the nerve weakness will disappear.
The physical power will never end and the body will not be shaking.
Knee, joints, muscles, hearts and minds will become powerful.
Because iron Iron is found in the apricot copper and chohare in the apricot and when used by combining both of them becomes a powerful tonic plus there are numerous benefits in both of them

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